PAGE 14 On a stone path at Cliff of Heaven, Place of Seven Caves walk Lord 5 Flower and Lady 3 Flint "Shell Quechquemitl-Feathered Serpent." Year 7 Reed, Day 5 Flower (?) is the sacred date. Lord 10 Vulture Bearer of the Shell, the Roll of Paper, the staff of rulership: the Flint Staff; and Lord 10 Reed Bearer of the Sacred Bundle, the Fire Drill, the staff of rulership: the Bundle Staff; emerge from Island of Stone and Island of the Eagle. Upon Cliff of the Eagle, above Place of the Mountain of Fire, in the Year 4 Flint, on the Day 8 Motion, stand the ancient Bearers of the Tobacco Gourds: Lord 10 Rain "Fire-breathing Jaguar" and Lord 10 Grass "Fire-breathing Jaguar." Both carry in their hand a precious cup with an offering of tortillas and tamales. Around the Sacred Enclosure of Clouds stand Lord 1 Rain, "Rain," and Lord 7 Rain, holding a torch. Lord 2 Reed "Tezcatlipoca," holding a quail, and Lord 4 Jaguar "Jaguar-Quetzalcoatl" stand within the Enclosure on Mountain of Red Volutes. Lord 1 Death "Rain," surrounded by clouds, and Lady 9 Serpent "Blue Garments," surrounded by clouds, hover above Snow-Capped Mountains. Below them, between the Snow-Capped Mountains, are the Plant Lords, Lord 7 Death and Lord 7 Reed. The sacred date is Year 7 Flint, Day 8 Motion. PAGE15 Lady 3 Flint "Shell Quechquemitl" and Lord 5 Flower set out upon a journey to found a kingdom. They are accompanied by Lord 10 Reed, with Flint Staff and Sacred Bundle, and Lord 10 Vulture, with Bundle Staff and Sacred Bundle, and Lord 10 Grass, ancient Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd, and Lord 10 Rain, ancient Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd. These last two carry in their hand a precious cup with an offering of tortillas and tamales. [They arrive at a great ceremonial center.] Within the River of Flowers Lady 3 Flint has been transformed into a feathered serpent. She raises chiles and makes an offering of incense. With reverence she petitions for the favor of conception from Lady 1 Eagle, who concedes to this supplication and presents a disk of jade: Lady 3 Flint is now pregnant. Two temples stand near the banks of this river. One is a round Altar of the Yawi, roofed and crenellated, entrance to the Ballcourt of Darkness. The other, near a Cave, the open jaws of the earth, is the precious Temple of the Feathered Serpent, which houses the sacred bundle of Lord 9 Wind "Flint." Year 10 Reed, Day 7 Rain is the sacred date of this place. Nearby, at the foot of the Smoking Mountain of Sand, Yaa Yuta, the Mountain of the West, Lady 3 Flint "Shell Quechquemitl" performs a ritual with an incense burner and maguey spine for autosacrifice. The priest Lord 10 Wind makes an offering of a quail and the priest Lord 10 Reed makes an offering of chiles. Lord 5 Flower, who is also a priest, draws blood from his ear with an awl of bone, before Volcanic Mountain of Motion and Fire and Mountain of the Place of Origin, the Place of the Seat of the dynasties and the kingdoms. PAGE16 [The Birth and Peregrination of Lady 3 Flint (Daughter)] At Valley of Crossed Reeds and Tree, of Ash and Flowers, the priest Lord 9 Motion and the priest Lord 10 Wind supervise the heating of a sweatbath in order to bathe the woman who has just given birth. At the same time, an offering is placed within the Valley: a bowl of tortillas and a tamales and two Reed Bundles. Year 3 Flint, Day 3 Flint is the sacred date. Lady "Shell Quechquemitl-Feathered Serpent," gives birth. Because of the day of her birth, this child is also named Lady 3 Flint, but her nickname is "Jade Quechquemitl." Then Lady "Feathered Serpent" enters a mouth of stone, which leads to a subterranean House of Water. There she is transformed into a river which flows from the rock; its waters are filled with fish and shellfish. At the two sides of the river are two priests: the ancient bearer of the tobacco gourd, Lord 10 Grass, and the priest Lord 10 Reed, as well as two gods: Lord 9 Wind "Wind," and Lord 7 Flower "Sun." Afterwards, Lord 5 Flower and his daughter Lady 3 Flint, set out on a peregrination. They make their way to the Burning Mountain and the Mountain of Venus where they are received by Lord 5 Wind, dressed as a priest and offering fire, and Lord 5 Eagle, dressed as a priest and offering a quail. The Sacred Bundle, the Fire Drill, the Roll of Paper, the Flint Staff and the Bundle Staff are all displayed. Year 7 Rabbit, Day 3 Flower is the sacred date. The Two-Headed Eagle, the coessence of Lord 10 Alligator, lifts a great shell and the young Lady 3 Flint into the air. In this way Lady 3 Flint arrives at River of the Tree and Hair. Grandmother 1 Eagle, and the venerated and enthroned Grandfather 1 Grass, and Lord 4 Deer, and Lord 4 Death, seated upon a stone, all receive the young Lady 3 Flint and give her advice. PAGE 17 Later, Young Lady 3 Flint "Jade Quechquemitl," is ritually greeted by Lord 7 Rain, "Rain," who makes her an offering of quail, and Lord 1 Rain, who makes her an offering of fire, at Mountain of the Bundle, Place of the Bundle. Next, young Lady 3 Flint goes to the White Plain, where a dog and a quail are sacrificed. Here she receives teachings of the three seated on stones-- her father, Lord 5 Flower and the ancient Bearers of the Tobacco Gourds: Lord 10 Grass and Lord 10 Rain; Finally, young Lady 3 Flint goes to the River by White Plain. She makes an offering of copal with an incense burner and with a Vessel of the Rain God. There, young Lady 3 Flint is instructed again by Lord 4 Deer and Lord 4 Death. In the Sacred Enclosure of Place Between the Mountains a great ceremony takes place, supervised by the priests seated upon stones: Lord 7 Reed and Lord 4 Motion. The ceremony is centered upon a great altar upon which tortillas/firewood burns and a tamale smolders. Lord 9 Flower offers and lights the fire, and Lord 10 Rain, ancient Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd, offers a quail and a bowl of tortillas and a tamale. Before the Altar of the Yawi, Lord 9 Alligator holds an incense burner and an awl of bone. The Flint Staff and the Bundle Staff are planted before the precious Temple of the Feathered Serpent. The Sacred Bundle, the Roll of Paper, and the Fire Drill are placed within the Temple of the Feathered Serpent. The priest Lord 10 Reed sounds a conch. The priest Lord 10 Vulture brings a palm leaf and copal. Within a palace, seated on thrones of stone and jaguar skin are Lord 5 Flower and the young Lady 3 Flint, the new queen. He gives her counsel; he was the priest who trained her. Five gods attend Lady 3 Flint's accession: Lord 1 Death "Sun," Lord of the West, PAGE18 Lord 2 Dog "Ancient Priest," Lord of the North, Lord 9 Wind "Wind," Lord of the Center, Lord 7 Flower "Sun," Lord of the East, and Lady 9 Grass "Death," Lady of the South. The place of the Stars, the Skyband is opened, the place of the Sun and Lord 4 House and Lady 5 Serpent, two ancient ancestors who are venerated upon the altars. From this place, on a Sacred Cord which snakes to the earth descend Lord 3 Flint "Twenty Pearls," with the Flint Staff, and the Bearer of the Bundle Staff, and Lord 5 Dog "Arrow," who carries the weapons. They follow their master, Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye," who carries a temple. Year 4 House, Day 7 Wind is the sacred date. When the priest 12 Wind completes his descent, the Sacred Bundle, the Roll of Paper, and the Fire Drill are placed over the place of origin at River of the Handful of Feathers and of Heaven [Apoala]. There, in a riverside cave dedicated to Lady 1 Eagle, [the Lady 3 Flint "Shell Quechquemitl"?] is seated. She has been transformed into a feathered serpent. Lord 5 Vulture, too, has changed into a feathered serpent in order to be able to enter to the river and meet with her. He gives her an offering of tortillas and tamales. Behind him, on the bank of the River at White Plain, stand the warrior priest Lord 7 Eagle, with an incense burner Lord 6 Death, who offers fire, and Lord 6 Water, with a quail and a bone awl for autosacrifice. Meanwhile, Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye" serves as a priest, offering incense and tobacco. He is followed by Lord 9 Motion "Torch of Burning Tobacco," and Lord 7 Eagle "Colored Serpent." who carries weapons and the shell for calling the people. They make their offerings at the ceremonial center, before the crenellated Altar of the Yawi at the entrance to the Ballcourt of Darkness, near the Enclosure where are planted the Flint Staff and the Bundle Staff and by the precious Temple of the Feathered Serpent where the Sacred Bundle is placed and below which is the Mouth of the Earth, the Cave. PAGE 19a [The Marriage of Lady 3 Flint (Daughter) and Lord 12 Wind] In the Heavens, surrounded by the Stars above the Moon, above the Sun, Lord 4 Alligator "Feathered Coyote Serpent," and Lord 11 Alligator "Jeweled Feathered Serpent." present Temple and Fire Drill to Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye" These are symbols of the foundation of a kingdom. The Mouth of the Sky is opened; upon the Sacred Cord Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye" descends from the Heavens. He is joined by two companions, all surrounded in darkness: To the left is Lord 3 Flint, who carries the Flint Staff; To the right is the Bearer of the Bundle Staff. Year 6 Rabbit, Day 12 Wind is the sacred date. Upon the Sacred Cord which snakes through the air, the Four Priests travel to the earth: Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye," bearing the temple, with a rattle-staff in his hand. Lord 5 Dog "Arrow," holding chiles, bearing the Sacred Bundle and the Fire Drill, Lord 9 Motion "Torch of Burning Tobacco," bearing the Shell, and Lord 7 Eagle "Colored Serpent" with a palm leaf and an awl for autosacrifice. The four are received ceremonially, hailed by Lord 10 Grass, Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd, offering a quail, and Lord 10 Rain, another Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd, by Lord 12 Lizard, who offers a red xicolli, and by Lord 12 Vulture, who crosses his arms in reverence. Meanwhile, near the precious Temple, which houses the Sacred Bundle, the Knife of Flint, and the Fire Drill, and near the crenellated Altar of the Yawi, the entrance to the Ballcourt of Darkness, is an enclosure between spikes of corn from which the bride emerges from the mouth of the earth. 1 Death is the sacred date. Before the Altar of the Vessel of the Rain God at the Hill of the Wasp, upon a stony path in the mountains Lord 6 Death, who holds a maguey plant, follows Lord 6 Water, who carries the bride upon his back. As they travel they are met by PAGE19b Lord 1 Flower, who offers them a red xicolli, and Lord 9 Reed "Speared Head," who offers chiles and copal. PAGE 19a On the same road there advances a wedding procession: Lord 6 Motion, who brings precious flowers, PAGE 19b Lord 7 Flower, who carries an incense burner and scepter, Lord 9 Flower, who sounds the conch shell, and Lord 10 Alligator, who carries a torch. Within the mouth of a cave, bride and groom kneel together. Lady 10 House pours water on the couple from above, Lady 6 Flint pours water on the couple from above Year 10 House, Day 2 Eagle is the sacred date. The young Lady 1 Eagle gives the couple a rolled blanket. The bathing takes place at the foot of the White Hill of Flints where the symbols of the kingdom are placed: the Sacred Bundle of the Knife of Flint 9 Wind, the Roll of Paper, the Fire Drill The sacred date of this place is Year 8 Flint, Day 8 Motion. Later, when they have been newly-wed Lord 12 Wind and Lady 3 Flint go to bed within the palace, covered by the blanket given to them by Lady 1 Eagle. Outside, Lord 10 Reed guards the Flint Staff, and Lord 10 Vulture guards the Bundle Staff. Lord 10 Rain is enthroned in the center of the scene. An ancient Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd, he makes offerings of a quail and a bowl. PAGE 19a He faces the ancient Lord 1 Grass, seated on a stone. PAGE 19b An offering of reeds bound in paper is placed between them. PAGE 19a Coming to the marriage festival is a procession of the gods: Lord 13 Flower "Quetzal," with chiles and a bag of copal, PAGE 19b Lord 1 Alligator "Alligator," with the Flint Staff, Lord 6 Death "Death," with chiles and a bag of copal, Lord 6 Water, with reeds and a bone awl for autosacrifice, Lady 13 Flower "Quetzal," with a spindle and weaving batten, Lord 1 Alligator "Yawi-Alligator," with weapons, Lord 12 Alligator "Double-Headed Eagle," with chiles and a bag of copal, and Lord 10 Alligator "Eagle." All of this has taken place on the first Day, 1 Alligator, at the Great Cliff of the Cave of the Yawi; the place whose sacred date is Year 5 Reed, Day 12 Alligator. PAGE 20 The marriage of Lady 3 Flint "Jade Quechquemitl" and of Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye" brings about the origin of the Thirteen Plant Lords. Lord 12 Wind and Lady 3 Flint plant and procreate Lord of the Maguey, Lord Nopal, Lord Trilobe Head, Dead Lord of the Malinalli Grass, Lord of the Flowering Maguey, Lord of the Plant with Colored Branches, Living Lord of the Malinalli Grass, Lord of the Tree with Diverse Leaves, Lord of the Shrub with Diverse Leaves, Lord of the Sharp Leaves, which cut, Lord of the Palm, and the dead Lords of the Palm Leaves, cut and bundled Lord 13 Grass and Lord 13 Jaguar. [The War against the Earth Men] The mortuary bundle of Lord 12 Lizard, and the mortuary bundle of Lady 12 Vulture are honored in the Year 3 Reed, Days 1 Lizard and 6 Dog, by the ancient Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd, Lord 10 Grass. Nearby, the gods battle. Lord 9 Wind "Wind of Death" surrenders to Lady 9 Grass " Death." She is priestess of the Bundle Cult; she battles because of the deaths of Lord 12 Lizard and Lady 12 Vulture. The Lord 9 Wind "Lord Wind, Knife of Flint" then attacks the Stone Men, who are wounded and defeated. But one Stone Man succeeds in driving his spear home; he defeats and kills the prince Lord 4 House. The body of Lord 4 House is placed in a scaffold next to the body of his brother, Lord 3 Monkey, also slain. Their bodies are mummified, dried and smoked in the fire, [Both were sons of Lord 12 Lizard and Lady 12 Vulture]. The ancient priest Lord 10 Rain "Jaguar" sings the brothers a 7 Flower song. The sacred dates are Year 3 Reed, Days 6 Dog and 8 Motion. PAGE 21 [The War of Heaven] From the star-filled Skyband of 4 Alligator and 11 Alligator the Sky of the Moving Sun the Striped Men descend, armed and dedicated for sacrifice, surrounded in clouds, shouting, hurling a storm to the earth Year 12 Flint, Days 12 Flint and 8 Wind are the sacred dates. The ancient Bearer of the Tobacco Gourd, Lord 10 Rain performs the ritual of decapitation, joined by the priest Lord 10 Reed, holding a grass knot. Fighting against the Striped Men, at Ballcourt of Hill of Flints, is Lord 1 Alligator "Alligator" who captures a Striped Man and takes him prisoner, and Lord 9 Wind "Flint Knife" who hurls spears, shouting, and Lord 4 Alligator "Double-Headed Eagle." [Lord 12 Wind introduces the Bundle Cult to the Mixteca] Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye" sets forth on a journey, carrying the Temple of the Sacred Bundle holding the Flint Staff in his hand. He is guided by Lord 3 Flint, the Bearer of the Sacred Bundle holding the Roll of Paper in his hand. With an offering of firewood burning upon a rosette of leaves the two are received by Lord 4 Alligator "Bloody Eagle," and by his spouse, Lady 1 Death "Sun Fan". They are the rulers of the Mountain Where the Sun Rises. Here, in this kingdom, a Temple for the Sacred Bundle is built, dedicated to Lord 9 Wind. In the temple enclosure the Lord 4 Alligator "Bloody Eagle," dedicates the new cult of the Sacred Bundle, in the Year 1 Reed, on the Day 1 Alligator , beneath the Newborn sun of Lord 1 Death, beneath the Skyband of 4 House and 5 Serpent. PAGE 22 [Lord 12 Wind carries the Sacred Bundle to Black Mountain] Lord 6 Dog, who carries the Bundle Staff, Lord 3 Flint, Bearer of the Temple and of the Fire Drill, and Lord 12 Wind "Smoking Eye" bearing the Roll of Paper, all travel to the lands surrounding Black Mountain. Meeting them with a ceremonial greeting are the ancient Bearers of the Tobacco Gourd: Lord 10 Rain honors them with the sacrifice of a quail and Lord 10 Grass offers them a fiery torch. Nearby, Lady 1 Serpent "Serpent" kneels on the bank of a spring flowing from a Temple to the Feathered Serpent. Year 7 Flint, Day 7 Flint is the sacred date. Nearby, at the Stone of the Red and White Bundle of Reeds Lord 4 Rain and Lady 7 Flower makes offerings. Year 1 Reed is the sacred date. Other places on the slopes of Black Mountain are Ballcourt of Stone, Place Where the Spear is Thrown, and Bloody Place of Night. Nearby, at the Spring of the Cave of the Tree are the founding couple, Lord 6 Motion and Lady 9 House. Beside the Hill of the Rabbit, in the Ravine of Mud, are Lord 1 Motion and Lady 10 House. At the Black Mountain are these places: Black Altar, Malinalli Grass and Scorpion. On the other side of Black Mountain, the Flint Staff is planted before the Temple of Heaven, Temple of the Flints, where the Sacred Bundle is guarded by the effigy of the warrior Lord [9 Wind] "Knife of Flint." Year 1 Reed, Day 1 Alligator is the sacred date. At the summit of Black Mountain, upon the Altars Beside the Water, the Lady 1 Serpent "Feathered Serpent" is seated. Before her is placed an offering of tortillas and a tamale. She gestures across the water to Lord 7 Death "Jaguar." Lord 4 Lizard "Rain," seated upon a stone, and Lady 8 House "Jaguar" look on. PAGE 23 [The First Dynasty of Tilantongo] Year 10 Reed, Day 10 House is the sacred date of the River Where the Skeletal Stone Man is Pierced by a Spear. The couple who found the dynasty of this kingdom are Lord 10 House and Lady 1 Grass. Their son, Lord 3 Eagle, marries Lady 4 Rabbit. To them are born: first, Lord 6 Deer "Arrow-Footed second, Lord 13 Eagle "Jaguar," and [third, Lord 9 Wind "Stone Death," who marries Lady 5 Reed "Jade Quechquemitl."] At Town of Hill of the Quechquemitl, Mountain of the Plant, Lord 9 Wind and Lady 5 Reed are seated as rulers. To this couple are born: first, Lord 10 Flower "Jaguar," and second, Lord 5 Motion "Bird-Headed Jaguar." The first son, Lord 10 Flower "Jaguar," marries Lady 2 Serpent "Serpent." They have the following children: Lady 12 Jaguar "Jeweled Spiderweb," and Lord 12 Lizard "Arrow-Footed," born in the Year 5 Reed. Enthroned in a palace, Lord 12 Lizard "Arrow-Footed" weds Lady 4 Alligator "Jewel-Face," and later marries Lady 4 Flint "Quetzal-Feathered Eagle Head." These two wives are daughters of the sister of Lord 12 Lizard: Lady 12 Jaguar "Jeweled Spiderweb" who had married Lord 10 Reed "Bearer of the Flint Staff." He was the son of Lady 13 Grass and Lord 2 Grass, founding rulers of the Dynasty of Sheared Cliff [Tamazola], the sacred date of which is the Year 8 Reed, Day 4 Jaguar. Other children of this dynasty are: second, Lord 9 Monkey "Warband Tail," third, Lord 10 Grass, "Shell-Eye," fourth, Lord 9 Lizard, "Stone Jaguar," fifth, Lady 1 Vulture "Rain Skirt," sixth, Lady 1 Rain "Venus Quechquemitl," seventh, Lord 10 Flower "Beaked Knife," and eighth, Lord 8 Eagle "He Who Discharges Smoke." PAGE 24 The children of Lord 12 Lizard and his two wives are born: first, Lord 12 Water "Sky Jaguar," second, Lord 5 Movement, "Smoking Sky," third, Lady 3 Movement "Staff of Respect," and fourth, Lady 1 Flint "Precious Face." Lord 5 Movement "Smoking Sky" marries Lady 2 Grass "Precious Quetzal Head." They are rulers of Hill of Flower Ornaments where the Man Emerges, the sacred date of which is Year 11 Reed, Day 9 Reed. Their son is Lord 2 Rain "Twenty Jaguars." His birth is marked by arrows and fire: a war, which affects the house of his parents. [His unexpected death ends the First Dynasty of Tilantongo]. [The matriline of the conqueror Lord 8 Deer "Jaguar Claw"] The founding couple is seated on the thrones, the mat: Lord 6 Death and Lady 6 Water, rulers of the City of the Hill of the Face and Tail. Year 1 Reed, Day 1 Alligator is the sacred date. Their son, Lord 9 Flint, marries Lady 7 Deer "Venus Quechquemitl." Their children are: first, Lady 11 Water "Precious Bird" [mother of Lord 8 Deer], second, Lady 12 Grass "Jade," and third, Lady 2 Monkey, "Collar of Turquoise." Lord 9 Lizard marries Lady 10 Vulture "Sun Quechquemitl." Lord 5 Reed "Knife of War," marries Lady 2 Motion "Hummingbird." PAGE 25 [The patriline of the conqueror Lord 8 Deer "Jaguar Claw"]. Year 8 Reed, Day 4 Jaguar is the sacred date of the River of the Red and White Band, of the Ornament of Flowers, of the Stone of Jade, Where the Stone Man is Defeated, Where the Drum is. The founders of this dynasty are: Lady 10 Alligator and Lord 2 Water. The founders rule from the ceremonial center: Lord 2 Water "Ballcourt-Serpent" in the Temple of the Conch, Lady 10 Alligator "Smoking Eye" in the Temple of the Flower. Their sons are: first, Lord 13 Dog "Bird of Venus," and second, Lord 3 Serpent "Bloody Eagle." Of these, Lord 13 Dog "Bird of Venus," marries Lady 1 Vulture "Rain Skirt." Her son is Lord 5 Alligator. As High Priest of Tilantongo, he meets with three priests wearing xicollis, spears in their hair: the Ancient One, He Who Smokes, He of the Beard of Grass, and He of the Dog Mask. The High Priest Lord 5 Alligator performs autosacrifice before the Sacred Bundle, the Roll of Paper, and the Fire Drill in the Temple of Heaven [Huahi Andehui, in Tilantongo] in the Year 5 Reed, on the Day 1 Alligator. Lord 5 Alligator "Rain-Sun," holds a council. He consults with a priest, between them are offerings of pulque, red ear bars, and a garland of blood-flowers. The sacred date is Year 12 House, Day 7 Movement. PAGE 26 In the Year 6 Flint, on the Day 7 Eagle Lord 5 Alligator "Rain-Sun," is married to Lady 9 Eagle "Garland of Cacao Flowers." Children are born to this marriage: first, Lord 12 Motion "Bloody Jaguar" in the Year 7 House, second, Lord 3 Water "Heron," and third, Lady 6 Lizard "Precious Fan." [Later, Lord 5 Alligator "Rain-Sun," weds] Lady 11 Water "Precious Parrot" in the Year 10 House, Day 6 Deer. Children are born to this second marriage: first, Lord 8 Deer "Jaguar Claw" in the Year 12 Reed, second, Lord 9 Flower "Arrow of Burning Tobacco" in the Year 3 Reed, and third, Lady 9 Monkey "Precious Quetzal-Cloud" in the Year 13 Flint. [Lord 8 Deer "Jaguar Claw": his wives and his children] Lord 8 Deer "Jaguar Claw," marries; he receives a vessel from the hands of his bride Lady 13 Serpent, "Flower Serpent" in the Year 13 Reed, in the Day 12 Serpent. Their children are born: first, Lord 4 Dog "He Who Places His Hands on a Coyote" in the Year 7 Rabbit, second, Lord 4 Alligator "Alligator of Burning Tobacco" in the Year 9 Flint, and PAGE 27 third, Lady 10 Flower "Rain-Spiderweb." Other wives of Lord 8 Deer are: first, Lady 10 Vulture "Diamond-patterned Quechquemitl," second, "Lady 6 Wind "Quetzal Feathers of Noble Blood." third, Lady 11 Serpent "Flayed Jaguar-Jeweled Teeth, In the Year 2 House, Day 8 Deer [Lord 8 Deer "Jaguar Claw," marries] Lady 6 Eagle "Jaguar-Spiderweb." In the Year 9 Flint a son is born to this marriage: Lord 6 House "Jaguar that Falls From the Sky." Other children of Lord 8 Deer are born later: first, Lord 10 Movement "Quetzal-Feathered Eagle," and second, Lady 2 Grass "Jewel of Burning Tobacco." [The First and Second Dynasties of Teozacoalco] Lord 5 Dog "Coyote Tail." [king of the First Dynasty of Teozacoalco] PAGE 28 in the Year 9 House, Day 6 Eagle, marries Lady 6 Wind "Quetzal Feathers of Noble Blood," Their daughter, Lady 4 Death "Precious," marries PAGE 27 Lord 4 Dog "He Who Places His Hands on a Coyote." [Founder of the second dynasty of Teozacoalco.] Lady 4 Death "Precious," gives birth to a son, Lord 13 Dog "Eagle of Venus," PAGE 28 in the Year 8 House. Lord 13 Dog "Eagle of Venus" marries first, Lady 8 Vulture "Stone Quechquemitl," and later marries Lady 4 Rabbit "Quetzal Feathers-Sand." Their children are born: first, Lord 7 Water "Red Eagle," in the Year 7 House, and second, Lord 3 Wind "Bloody War Banner." Of these, Lord 7 Water "Red Eagle," marries Lady 11 Water "Precious Serpent." They have children: first, Lord 13 Eagle, "Rain-Tobacco," PAGE 29 second, Lord 9 Wind "Yawi-Eagle." In the Year 5 Reed [Day 13 Eagle?] Lord 13 Eagle "Rain-Tobacco," marries Lady 13 Death, "Jade Quechquemitl." Their children are born: first, Lord 2 Wind "Jaguar Skeleton," and second, Lord 1 Eagle "Night Serpent." [Later, Lord 13 Eagle marries] Lady 10 Deer "Jaguar Quechquemitl." The children of this marriage are: first, Lord 2 Flower "Rain with Thunder," second, Lord 8 Serpent "Eagle of Venus," third, Lady 7 House "Serpent." PAGE 30 Lord 13 Eagle "Rain-Tobacco" also marries Lady 8 Reed "Precious Little Girl." Lord 8 Rabbit "Yawi-Fire and Motion in the Temple" is born to them in the Year 8 House. [Lord 13 Eagle then marries other women:] the Lady of the Staff of Respect, and Lady 11 Movement "Precious Quetzal Feathers." To this marriage are born: first, Lady 10 Deer "Precious Ornament of Flowers," and later Lady 13 Rabbit "Turquoise Serpent." [Then Lord 13 Eagle marries] Lady 9 Monkey. They have a son Lord 6 Water "Jaguar." Of all of these children born to Lord 13 Eagle "Rain-Tobacco" Lord 8 Rabbit "Yawi," becomes the heir. He marries Lady 6 Grass "Skyband-Butterfly." PAGE 31 Their children are born: first, Lord 12 House "Yawi that Penetrates the Sky," second, Lord 1 House "Jaguar that Slaughters the Sky," third, Lord 3 Rabbit "Rain with Thunder," fourth, Lord 8 Dog "He Who Speaks Fire and Blood," and fifth, Lady 11 Alligator "Quetzal Head-Spiderweb." Of these children Lord 12 House "Yawi that Penetrates the Sky," marries Lady 11 Alligator "Quetzal Head-Spiderweb." The children of this brother and sister are: first, Lord 12 Dog "War Serpent," who is a warrior, second, Lord 9 Movement "Precious Eagle Claws." He is the heir to the kingdom and marries Lady 2 Jaguar "Jeweled Spiderweb," third, Lady 4 Death "Jaguar Quechquemitl," fourth, Lady 1 Eagle "Ornament of Respect," and fifth, Lady 4 Rabbit, "Quetzal." [Here ends the Second Dynasty of Teozacoalco.] PAGE 32 [The Third Dynasty of Teozacoalco] Lady 6 Reed "Feathered Serpent" [a princess of Tilantongo], weds Lord 2 Dog "Headband of Flints" [son of Lady 4 Rabbit]. Both found a new dynasty at Teozacoalco. Their children are born: Lady 6 Water "Precious Flowered Warband," Lady 6 Flint "Quetzal Staff of Respect," and Lord 9 House "Jaguar-Eagle That Falls from the Sky." who marries Lady 3 Rabbit "Ñuhu-Spiderweb." Their children are born: first, Lord 2 Water "Yawi," second, Lord 8 Flint "Jaguar," third, Lady 4 Deer "Jaguar Quechquemitl," and fourth, Lady 5 Eagle "Flower Serpent." Lord 2 Water marries Lady 2 Vulture "Ornament of Jade and Flowers." Their daughter is Lady 12 Flower "White Flower of the Ravine." [Later, Lord 2 Water marries] Lady 3 Alligator "Precious Fan." Their children are born: first, Lord 5 Reed "Twenty Jaguars," PAGE 33 second, Lady 12 Reed, "Ornament of Jade and Flowers" third, Lord 5 Rain "White Bird," fourth, Lord 8 Wind "Flowered Ornament-Ñuhu," and fifth, Lord 10 Vulture "Fiery Yawi." [The Dynasty of Zaachila: The Zapotec Rulers] Year 1 Flint, Day 1 Flint is the sacred date at the Temple of Lord 7 Rain, Rain god, Flayed god, patron of the Zapotecs, at the Bent Rock of the Tree, famed in song, upon the River of the Quetzal. From here comes the Dynasty of Zaachila. Lady 11 Rabbit "Venus Quechquemitl," and her spouse, Lord 9 Serpent "Flayed God," are the parents of Lord 5 Flower "Flayed God," who marries Lady 4 Rabbit "Quetzal" [of the dynasty of Teozacoalco] Their children are: PAGE 34 first, Lord 2 Dog "Headband of Flints," second, Lady 11 Flint, third, Lady 2 Reed "Precious Quetzal Head," fourth, Lady 10 Monkey "Jeweled Ñuhu," fifth, Lady 2 Vulture, "Blue Fan-Tlazolteotl," and sixth, Lord 3 Alligator "Smooth Eagle." Lord 3 Alligator is the royal heir, and he marries two women: first, Lady 12 Flint "Staff of Respect," and second, Lady 10 House "Precious." From this double marriage are born: first, Lord 1 Grass "He Who Speaks," second, Lord 11 Water "Flint-Rain," third, Lady 2 Vulture "Lady with a Staff of Respect." PAGE35 fourth, Lord 12 Alligator "Sad Man," and fifth, Lady 8 Movement "Yawi." Lady 8 Movement marries her brother, the heir to the kingdom, Lord 11 Water "Flint-Rain." He also marries Lady 13 Serpent "Feathered Serpent." Their children are born: first, Lady 3 Alligator "Precious Fan," second, Lady 2 Jaguar "Staff of Respect," third, Lord 11 Movement "Eagle-Place of the Enthroned Man," fourth, Lady 7 Alligator "Collar of Turquoise," fifth, Lord 6 Water "Colored Strips," and sixth, Lady 9 Alligator "Butterfly-Yawi."